Puerto Perme

From Sapzurro, we rounded the Tubiron headland and made our way to Obaldia to check in to Panama. Obaldia is an unlovely place but the anchorage was strightforward and the check in process fast and uncomplicated.

From there we headed across the large bay to Puerto Perme. This proved to be a delightful, almost fully enclosed little bay with calm and picturesque views.

It was a Pelican’s playground and we had endless enjoyment watching them.

There are two Kuna villages bordering the anchorage, one very traditional. We were invited to visit and really enjoyed the experience. No photos allowed within the village which we respected but took a few from a distance.

Jose’s wife made us a Panama Flag (we could not obtain one in the port of entry at Obaldia, nor Santa Marta) and we had a flag hoisting ceremony with him and his son.

We took advantage of the calm waters of the anchorage for the Electrical Engineer to go up the mast and repair the Steaming Light.

We made friends with the kids who seemed to spend more time fishing in the ulus (dugout canoes) than in school!

This sequence of a deer being captured from the water by the Indians may be a bit upsetting to some but is a natural part of their existence in this environment.

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Snorkelling around the corner from the anchorage was good.

Finally, we walked down the coast, through the narrow band of cultivated palms and tropical jungle towards the traditional village of Careto. We could not enter (foreigners are prohibited as they are very conservative), so we walked back again.

2 thoughts on “Puerto Perme

  1. Hi Roland. When next in a city see if you can find a camera shop and buy a red filter for your underwater rig. It brings out the colours so everything is not quite so blue. Looks like you are still loving it!!


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